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Ward’s Law: Towards a Global Framework for Law, Society & Ethics in Age of AI – The First Edition. Based
“AI AND THE LEGAL PROFESSION”, By Robin Ghurbhurun, Governing Board, NALP AI is impacting us all, and paralegals are no
I am delighted to have been mentioned in the sixth installation of the UK Blawg Roundup, as written by Brian Inkster of The Time Blawg. In a thoroughly comprehensive review, Brian travels back in time to discuss the early days of UK law blogging (the past), considers the current status (the present) and looks at what is to come (the future). This is a must read for anyone with an interest in blogging, not just blawging.
Below are my top 10 twitter tips for law firms and solicitors looking to get the most from twitter. There are many more detailed tips that could be shared, but for the firms and lawyers starting out or looking to improve their social media presence and capabilities to expand their professional network and develop more business, these should be an ideal starting point which should hopefully a love-love relationship with the social media world.
WardblawG’s twitter account made an appearance on Channel 4 on Saturday night, 12 February 2011.
Channel 4’s approach to social media is to be welcomed, encouraging use throughout the UK of both Twitter and Facebook to contribute to prime-time tv programmes. With tweeting becoming enabled from the UK courts, with certain important exceptions, we are slowly venturing into a golden age for social media, web 2.0 and law 2.0.
Last month, we were mentioned in the Journal of the Law Society of Scotland by Iain Nisbet of Govan Law Centre, who himself runs a Scots law blawg at http://absolvitor.com/. Given that this website was created only in June 2010, this is to be considered a great achievement at what is still just the beginning of this blawg’s journey through the blawgosphere, alongside the other 10 great Scots blawggers mentioned and the blawgging world as a whole. The extract from the Journal Online is as follows:-
Gavin Ward of WardblawG giving a presentation on YouTube regarding recent updates to the site.
WardblawG will burst through the 20,000 hit mark today. Partnerships are forming by the day, most recently with Google ads and with lawyers and entrepreneurs around the world. With that in mind, it is now time to unleash the future of law: Welcome to Law 2.0…
Mr Justice Tugendhat ruled that the allegation of paedophilia was serious and could have damaged the plaintiff’s reputation. Now, I don’t know whether Mr Justice Tugendhat has a profile on Facebook or has any idea about social networking sites, but he should be aware, or have been made aware by the defence, that this type of abuse goes on more than he might imagine, albeit not quite as acerbic, indecent and tasteless as in this case. To be clear, the author does not support this sort of bullying in the slightest.
WardblawG supports the ECtHR move in its entirety and wishes Ms Allison Walls the best of luck. May Justitia swing her sword in her favour.
With firms and professionals across the UK welcoming web 2.0, which includes new online technologies such as blogs, RSS feeds and even Twitter, so comes the inception, and, I’d like to think, conception of Scotslawblog.com, formerly WardblawG.com.
Founded by me, Gavin Ward, a trainee solicitor at a Scottish firm in Edinburgh, qualifying in August 2010, former tutor and published author in the Juridical Review, this shall be a new platform for me and, indeed, my colleagues and peers across Scotland and beyond, to discuss, in an open environment without too much fence-sitting, the most important and relevant legal and commercial updates affecting Scottish businesses and law firms, together with other topics of interest to the legal profession.
I hope this creates as much contribution and success as the effort I ,and my colleagues, put into it!
Gavin Ward, 23 June 2010