Looking to grow your legal business? The following are some of the best law firm consultants / business growth consultancies and business strategy consultants for law firms and lawyers in the UK. See also our new specific list of law firm merger consultants.

“In the modern world, it isn’t enough to be a great lawyer. You have to be a great businessperson – and a great salesperson too. Fortunately, we’re on hand to help. We have enormous experience in helping law firms improve their bottom line through sales. All of our packages are built to increase the number of leads that you generate so paying more attention to your sales process is a must!”

“I founded and for over 25 years led a multi-award-winning law firm. Today, I am a consultant and non-exec, acting as a trusted adviser to law firm leaders throughout the UK and internationally.”

The first product, ‘Your Strategy and Planning Toolkit’, was released in February 2021. better@business is part of Positively Legal.

“Most SME businesses state sales growth as a key business objective. However, despite this many do not proactively engage with their existing clients or have a well-structured sales and marketing plan.”

“Venturis Consulting Group International is a leading management-strategy consulting firm for the legal sector with offices in Amsterdam, Paris, London, Milan and New York. Venturis acts as a trusted advisor in the design, facilitation and execution of complex strategic and organizational initiatives facing the legal industry.”

“We help companies to stay ahead of their competitors and achieve sustainable, profitable growth by providing them with strategic advice, business solutions and practical support. We serve our international client base both from our HQ in the UK and from our branch offices in 12 other countries around the world.”

Insights regarding law firm strategy

It’s also worth reading the following insight pieces:-

More to follow. If you would like to apply for your own listing with us please contact us here.