Generative AI for Smart Legal Professionals by John Tredennick & Dr. Webber Released – Second Edition (Free E-Book)

legal ai for lawyers legal professionals

Received an email recently from John Tredennick, CEO & Founder of Merlin Search Technologies, Inc and thought I’d share with readers, with kind permission, as it includes his free e-book, co-authored with Dr. Webber, on Gen AI for legal professionals. Hope you find this useful in respect of AI for law firms:-

“After several requests, Dr. Webber and I decided to create the second edition of “Generative AI for Smart Legal Professionals: An Introduction to Large Language Models.” While the first edition is only about five months old, that seems like an eternity in LLM years, and the pace of innovation keeps increasing.

Knowing you cover this beat, we wanted to send you an advance copy – because we think you will find it really interesting. You should also feel free to share it with others who want to better understand and leverage the transformative power of GenAI and Large Language Models in their practices.

As you will quickly see, this is an extensive rewrite with updated information, new sections, new examples of GenAI capabilities, and a new organization. As before, the book is designed for legal professionals at all levels of technical expertise who are interested in understanding and applying Generative AI and Large Language Models in their practice.

GenAI for Smart Legal Professionals is divided into two parts:

  • Part One: offers an introduction to the world of GenAI, explaining how these advanced AI models work and their potential implications for the legal profession.
  • Part Two: focuses on practical applications, demonstrating how LLMs can be integrated into discovery workflows to streamline document review, analysis, and transcript summarization.

Throughout the book, we address concerns surrounding data security and confidentiality, including early cites to relevant legal cases and opinions. Our goal throughout is to offer analogies and real-world examples to make these complex concepts accessible to legal professionals at all levels of technical expertise.

Let me know if you would like to learn more about the book or how these Large Language Models are going to transform the discovery landscape. We would be happy to speak with you or show you GenAI in action.


John Tredennick

CEO & Founder

Merlin Search Technologies, Inc.

P: 303-810-1918

E: JT@Merlin.Tech

W: Merlin.Tech ” 

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