The increase in AI is leading to innovations in numerous sectors and industries. AI has boosted the capabilities of numerous
The following are personal views only, aided by ChatGPT, on the pros and cons of potential global laws, universal principles
In a world shaped by rapid technological advancements and complex challenges, the time has come for a new guiding principle—one
[New – Feel free to “buy me a coffee” for the many hours I put into the below in what
By Amanda Hamilton, Patron of NALP (National Association of Licensed Paralegals) The role of the paralegal—both actual and perceived—has changed;
“AI AND THE LEGAL PROFESSION”, By Robin Ghurbhurun, Governing Board, NALP AI is impacting us all, and paralegals are no
As the WardblawG surpasses the 5000 hit mark after only 3 weeks, I have now included two permanent RSS feeds at either side of this blog to “Scots Law” and “Scottish Law” through Google News, which highlight excerpts from quality articles discussing the most recent developments in Scots law, such as through the Scotsman’s or the Herald’s legal journalists.
Similar Google News feeds, as I have already mentioned , can be used to keep track of different clients, industries, technologies, law, and even matters or disputes: A little more action, a little less bark (from clients) and a lot more spark!