5 Reasons to Guest Blog / Blawg

You blawg

A key component of blogging, guest blogging is, as the term suggests, where a blogger writes as a guest on another blogger’s blog. While this may be obvious, it may not be apparent to some why guest blogging can be useful. Here are 5 reasons why you may wish to increase your own or your firm’s guest blogging activity:-You blawg

1. Develop relationships

Reaching out to others and contributing your thoughts and materials on their sites will help to develop your relationships not only with those other bloggers but also with their audience, particularly if the guest blog post is posted to the blogger’s social media channels.

2. Expand your breadth and depth of writing

As Brian Inkster has illustrated, there are many different types of blawgers. Brian’s article also refers to ProBlogger’s categorisation of different types of bloggers. Each blogger’s blog will probably have a different focus and style. By writing posts for different blogs, you are encouraged to tailor your blog post slightly more to give it a better fit for the blog and its audience, while allowing the cross-pollination exercise to succeed.

3. Reach a wider and varied audience

By guest blogging, a new audience can be reached. At the same time, the blog’s audience can be enhanced by additional views from followers of the guest blogger, thus creating a win-win situation.

4. Build your reputation

By guest blogging you can build your reputation as an expert in certain areas in a professional way. If the blog host trusts you enough to have your post published, then their audience will generally be more likely to trust you as well.

5. Achieve further backlinks for SEO purposes

While by no means the main reason, developing link building is nevertheless a valid reason for guest blogging. When writing for someone else’s blog, you will usually get a link back to your site. This will be valuable for SEO purposes and can sometimes be particularly significant depending on the authority of the blog, provided it is not a “no follow” link. Nevertheless, even a no follow backlink should still provide useful traffic back to your site.

My latest guest blog posts

For some of my latest blog posts elsewhere, please see the following links:-

The Influence of Social Media on Search Rankings and Business Success (CubeSocial)

Cloud computing for lawyers: a lawyer looks at LawCloud (LawCloud)

Top ten LinkedIn tips for young lawyers (Justice Directory)

How to Study and Practise Law Using Mindmaps (Totally Legal)

Top 5 Reasons for Young Lawyers and Barristers to Get Blogging (Pupillage Blog)

Guest blog posts on my sites

For some of the latest guest blog posts on my sites, please see the following links:-

Media spotlight on medical negligence in maternity care

Workplace Accidents Statistics in Scotland

Use of freelance paralegals is an emerging trend that is catching on fire

Guest blog here

I’m always happy to welcome new bloggers, so if you’d like to guest blog on one of my sites eg on http://www.youblawg.com, at https://wardblawg.com/youblawg/ or on the homepage of this site please do get in touch via the contact form at https://wardblawg.com/contact .

Best wishes

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