Expert know-how and updates on Indian law are now available at

A great contact from our own Linkedin, Manish Dhingra owns a commercial Indian Law firm, Dhingra and Singh and is a Foreign Legal Consultant at Software Tactics, Inc. in Chicago in the US. View Manish’s profile on Linkedin here.
Latest Indiablawg Posts
The latest updates to Indian law can be viewed here:-
– India unveils first ever Defense Production Policy
– Director’s Liability under Negotiable Instruments Act
– India and Isle of Man Sign Tax Information Exchange Agreement
– Delhi High Court upholds Foreign Arbitration Award
It is hoped that the Indiablawg site and Indiablawg Twitter account are able to contribute towards the laws of India for the benefit of both businesses and lawyers from India and the rest of the world.
Keep up to speed on all other relevant legal updates from WardblawG’s twitter account.
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