The increase in AI is leading to innovations in numerous sectors and industries. AI has boosted the capabilities of numerous
The following are personal views only, aided by ChatGPT, on the pros and cons of potential global laws, universal principles
In a world shaped by rapid technological advancements and complex challenges, the time has come for a new guiding principle—one
[New – Feel free to “buy me a coffee” for the many hours I put into the below in what
By Amanda Hamilton, Patron of NALP (National Association of Licensed Paralegals) The role of the paralegal—both actual and perceived—has changed;
“AI AND THE LEGAL PROFESSION”, By Robin Ghurbhurun, Governing Board, NALP AI is impacting us all, and paralegals are no
Will we see more traineeships being opened up? Will equity partners earn even more than their hundreds of thousands or millions of pounds each year? Or will equity partners be more likely to sell their stake and escape the practice of law? What effect for management decisions? Will we see greater outsourcing? Will cloud computing be more fully embraced? Will Lawsoft’s stranglehold on legal software be broken up? Will Scots law merge into English law, or will it flourish more by itself?