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Greyfriar's Bobby Edinburgh Scotland Protect Your Trade Mark

How to Dominate the Internet: Book One: Protect Your Brand: Chapter 3 of 10: Trade Marks

If you take one thing away from this, it should be this practical but general word of advice:

If your business and its model are analogous to another successful and well-protected business and if your brand name is unique, not in the dictionary, not an industry word and not confusingly similar to another business, then take inspiration from the trade mark applications of that other successful business, but do consider every application on its own merits; and

If you are in any doubt about trade mark registrability, research further or seek professional advice from a lawyer, brand protector or trade mark agent. In WardblawG’s experience, trade mark agents are most useful when registrability of your brand as a trade mark is clearly problematic, when you need to overcome objections or field queries from an examiner, or when you have a large portfolio of trade marks to register and maintain.

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