The Rise of AI in Legal Transactions – A Double-Edged Sword Artificial intelligence is transforming legal practice, offering unprecedented document
Search engine optimisation (SEO) has always been an essential core component of digital marketing for law firms looking to attract
When people think of Albert Einstein, they often think of E=mc². Yet, one of his most profound contributions was something
Ward’s Law: Towards a Global Framework for Law, Society & Ethics in Age of AI – The First Edition. Based
“AI AND THE LEGAL PROFESSION”, By Robin Ghurbhurun, Governing Board, NALP AI is impacting us all, and paralegals are no
In today’s hyper-connected world, law firms are entrusted with safeguarding a treasure trove of sensitive information. From intellectual property and
Each year across the world, each university demands that its students submit essays and dissertations electronically. But very little of that work is published online for the world to read. If it was so published, the knowledge contained within would be shared with billions of people around the planet. It follows that students would gain greater incentive to make their work of better quality. So, why not publish worldwide? Below are outlined the current trends towards emphasis on virtual learning and information dissemination through social media, followed by suggested reasons for universities not publishing students’ work more for free, concluding with a recommended course of action for all universities throughout the world to consider.