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Ratidzo (Rati) Murwisi Legal Technologist

Ratidzo (Rati) Murwisi, Botswana’s First Legal Technologist

"I show you how to work smart not hard using Legal Tech | Legal Technologist | Entrepreneur | Remote Worker"

Hey there! I'm the legal guru who's shaking up the rulebook with a touch of humor and a whole lot of tech savvy. With over a decade of experience spanning legal tech, corporate law, and entrepreneurship, I'm a force to be reckoned with in the legal landscape. As an legal technologist, I'm on a mission to transform data entry into an art form and ensure that legal directories are not only accurate but also user-friendly. And let's not forget my other hat – as a Social Media Manager, I'm crafting witty legal comedy and turning social platforms into my very own legal playground.

Armed with an LLB(Hons) in Corporate & Financial Law and a keen eye for spotting opportunities, I'm not just your average legal eagle; I'm a business powerhouse. Whether I'm tackling litigations or launching my own ventures, I've got the skills and the smarts to make a splash. With one foot in the legal world and the other in the entrepreneurial realm, I'm ready to make waves and redefine what it means to be a legal innovator.

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